---- Exhibit Number 5 bis - Rebecca Newton's Personal Mail ----
Dear mother,
I finally started working at the mine. As I expected the work is very hard. I finish the days with my nose and throat full of dust despite my mask. The machines are heavy and noisy. Fortunately I had thought of taking earplugs with me. Joan does not have any, and I'm afraid she'll end up deaf. If you ever have one extra pair at home, could you send them to me? In the meantime, I think I'll share every other day with her. Jenny says I'm too nice but I think that's what the Emperor wants me to do.
We form a good team with the girls. Ellen manages to channel our energy and we benefit from her experience. Joan can cheer us up when we need to. Jenny is very very efficient and allows us to always do our part. As for me, well, it turns out that I get on very well with Jenny which is not the case for many people. Thanks to that, I manage to calm her ardor and we work well. She has already nearly be involved in fight several times with other teams. She's always so angry, I'm sorry she did not have an easy life in her youth.
Joan recently made us the surprise of having a boyfriend in the Delta team. His name is Gregor. I do not know him personally but he seems nice. We advised her to take her time but she would already like to formalize her relationship with him to join him in one of the mixed huts.
We are lucky to work in the main vein. This is where work is the least dangerous. There are a lot of accidents in the side galleries. We often see new faces going down there. I went there once to replace a sick girl. The atmosphere is so much more stifling in its narrow guts. The mind quickly plays tricks on us. I stayed there for a few hours and I was already sure to have seen silhouettes in the darkness several times. In the end, I felt like I was constantly being watched.
Some men are really very annoying. Many ask me to go out, to have a drink or something else ... I know what they have in mind and it does not interest me. Fortunately, I can count on Jenny to help me repel them. We really do the pair! The last one who made advances to Jenny is still looking for his family jewels. Mom, I think I like her ... I do not know what to do or if I have to tell her.
Thanks for the news of Dad and the little wolves. I hope Dad will get better quickly.
The work is hard but I have good friends. I pay attention to myself.
I love you mom, kisses.
PS: I add this quickly because I have to talk about it. Joan is gone. She left with Gregor last night in the galleries and she did not come back. Gregor says he does not know where she is. We did a little investigation with Jenny and there is something very shady. Many guys take the girls down for a ride and very often they do not come back. I talked to Mr. Clemens and he assured me that everything was fine. I'm getting scared mum, something is happening. Do you think the silhouettes i saw where real ? Can you try to warn someone? I know that Marie wanted to join me, please deter her !
---- Letter requisitioned to the mother of the deceased ----
Dear mother,
I finally started working at the mine. As I expected the work is very hard. I finish the days with my nose and throat full of dust despite my mask. The machines are heavy and noisy. Fortunately I had thought of taking earplugs with me. Joan does not have any, and I'm afraid she'll end up deaf. If you ever have one extra pair at home, could you send them to me? In the meantime, I think I'll share every other day with her. Jenny says I'm too nice but I think that's what the Emperor wants me to do.
We form a good team with the girls. Ellen manages to channel our energy and we benefit from her experience. Joan can cheer us up when we need to. Jenny is very very efficient and allows us to always do our part. As for me, well, it turns out that I get on very well with Jenny which is not the case for many people. Thanks to that, I manage to calm her ardor and we work well. She has already nearly be involved in fight several times with other teams. She's always so angry, I'm sorry she did not have an easy life in her youth.
Joan recently made us the surprise of having a boyfriend in the Delta team. His name is Gregor. I do not know him personally but he seems nice. We advised her to take her time but she would already like to formalize her relationship with him to join him in one of the mixed huts.
We are lucky to work in the main vein. This is where work is the least dangerous. There are a lot of accidents in the side galleries. We often see new faces going down there. I went there once to replace a sick girl. The atmosphere is so much more stifling in its narrow guts. The mind quickly plays tricks on us. I stayed there for a few hours and I was already sure to have seen silhouettes in the darkness several times. In the end, I felt like I was constantly being watched.
Some men are really very annoying. Many ask me to go out, to have a drink or something else ... I know what they have in mind and it does not interest me. Fortunately, I can count on Jenny to help me repel them. We really do the pair! The last one who made advances to Jenny is still looking for his family jewels. Mom, I think I like her ... I do not know what to do or if I have to tell her.
Thanks for the news of Dad and the little wolves. I hope Dad will get better quickly.
The work is hard but I have good friends. I pay attention to myself.
I love you mom, kisses.
PS: I add this quickly because I have to talk about it. Joan is gone. She left with Gregor last night in the galleries and she did not come back. Gregor says he does not know where she is. We did a little investigation with Jenny and there is something very shady. Many guys take the girls down for a ride and very often they do not come back. I talked to Mr. Clemens and he assured me that everything was fine. I'm getting scared mum, something is happening. Do you think the silhouettes i saw where real ? Can you try to warn someone? I know that Marie wanted to join me, please deter her !
---- Letter requisitioned to the mother of the deceased ----
---- Pièce à conviction numéro 5 bis - Courrier personnel de Rebecca Newton ----
Chère mère,
J'ai enfin commencé à travailler à la mine. Comme je m'y attendais le travail est très dur. Je finis les journées avec le nez et la gorge pleins de poussières malgré mon masque. Les machines sont lourdes et bruyantes. Heureusement que j'avais pensé à prendre des bouchons d'oreilles avec moi. Joan n'en a pas et j'ai peur qu'elle finisse par devenir sourde. Si jamais tu en as une paire en trop à la maison, pourrais tu me les envoyer. En attendant, je pense partager un jour sur deux avec elle.
Jenny dit que je suis trop gentille mais je pense que c'est ce que l'Empereur voudrait que je fasse.
On forme une bonne équipe avec les filles. Ellen arrive à bien canaliser notre énergie et on profite de son expérience. Joan sait nous remonter le moral quand il faut. Jenny est très très efficace et nous permet de toujours faire notre part. Quand à moi, et bien, il s'avère que je m'entends très bien avec Jenny. Ce qui n'est pas le cas de grand monde. Grâce à ça, j'arrive à calmer ses ardeurs et on travaille bien. Elle a déjà failli se battre plusieurs fois avec d'autres équipes. Elle est tout le temps en colère, je la plains elle n'a pas eu une vie facile.
Joan nous a fait tout récemment la surprise de s'être trouvé un petit copain dans l'équipe Delta. Il s'appelle Gregor. Je ne le connais pas personnellement mais il a l'air gentil. On lui conseille de prendre son temps mais elle voudrait déjà officialiser sa relation avec lui pour le rejoindre dans un des baraquements mixtes.
Nous avons la chance de travailler dans le principal filon. C'est là que le travail est le moins dangereux. Il y a visiblement beaucoup d'accident dans les galeries annexes. On voit souvent de nouvelles têtes y descendre. J'y suis allé une fois pour remplacer une fille malade. L'atmosphère est tellement plus étouffante dans ses boyaux étroits. L'esprit a vite fait de nous jouer des tours. J'y suis resté quelques heures et j'ai déjà cru voir à plusieurs reprises des silhouettes dans les ténèbres. A la fin, j'avais l'impression d'être observée en permanence.
Certains hommes sont vraiment très embêtant à force. Beaucoup me sollicitent pour m'inviter à sortir, à boire un verre ou je ne sais quoi d'autres... je sais bien ce qu'ils ont en tête et cela ne m'intéresse pas. Heureusement que je peux compter sur Jenny pour m'aider à les repousser. On fait vraiment la paire !
Le dernier qui a fait des avances à Jenny est toujours en train de chercher ses bijoux de famille. Maman, je crois que je l'aime bien... je ne sais pas trop quoi faire ni si je dois lui dire.
Merci pour les nouvelles de Papa et des petits loups. J'espère que Papa va aller mieux rapidement.
Le travail est dur mais j'ai de bonnes amis. Je fais attention à moi.
Je t'aime maman, bisous.
PS : Je rajoute ça rapidement parce qu'il faut que j'en parle. Joan a disparu. Elle est partie avec Grégor hier soir dans les galeries et elle n'est pas revenue. Grégor dit qu'il ne sait pas où elle est. On a enquêté un peu avec Jenny et il y a quelque chose de très louches. Beaucoup de gars emmènent les filles en bas, pour une ballade et très souvent elles ne reviennent pas. J'en ai parlé à Monsieur Clemens et il m'a assuré que tout allait bien. Je commence à avoir peur maman, il se passe quelque chose. Est ce que tu crois que j'ai vraiment vu quelque chose en bas ? Peux tu essayer de prévenir quelqu'un ? Je sais que Marie voulait me rejoindre, s'il te plait dissuade l'en !
---- Lettre réquisitionnée à la mère de la défunte ----